




94130 NOGENT-SUR-MARNE             01 48 72 70 00


Sustainable consumption


Here at the Hotel du Port, we have made the ecology one of our priorities, as every little action has its part of responsibility towards our planet.



Hygiene and cleanliness are essential subjects in a hotel, especially with the current health crisis (Covid-19). We are doing our utmost to guarantee the safety of our guests and employees.



We provide our guests with recyclable glass bottles of CASTALIE® micro-filtered water. An initiative that aims to reduce plastic consumption in our establishment. Each bottle is cleaned and disinfected between every usage.



Reducing paper consumption in a company is an important step in waste reduction, so we decided to digitalise our documents (room directory, room service menu, newspapers...) available through QR Code.

A simple and ecological solution, as well as safe and hygienic since guests are no longer in immediate contact with the document and can consult all the information on their smartphone.



In our ongoing effort to reduce plastic, we have installed Nuxe® Ecopump dispensers in every bathroom: a brand that is dedicated to natural skincare and committed to the planet




Our chef is also committed to protecting the environment with a responsible cuisine using only French products and a 100% homemade menu.



Over-consumption of energy is a major problem that we want to tackle.

For electricity we use low-energy light bulbs. In order to activate the lights and air conditioning in your room it is necessary to insert the magnetic card in the slot at the entrance, so remember to remove it when you leave.

Concerning water, make sure to close the taps when you brush your teeth or after each use and report to the reception if you notice a leak in your room. In addition, during your stay we will wash and replace your towels on request.

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